The Adventures of HA and OM -1
Recently I was visiting with my higher awareness just kicking back tossing a few brewskies and we got around to a rather interesting discussion. I asked HA the following question.
"What about time? How does time fit this whole awareness thing?" I said leaning back in my chair and relaxing my outer mind so that HA could respond.
"Extend your awareness into the present moment." HA said like the voice of the wind.
What do you mean?" I answered sounding a little perplexed. "Of course I am here. Where else would I be?"
"Perhaps past or future time travelling like the rest of us." HA now was in the out breath as I waited for HA to expound on this idea.
"There is movement and projection in thought depending upon our orientation and the time space coordinates we assume." HA said. I especially like the time space stuff. It sounded like Star Trek, very Sci-Fi which is a favorite genre of mine. Sensing my mind wandering HA said:
"Listen. Be attentive to my breath. Notice the inflow and outflow. This breath runs through all of creation. All partake in it according to their design. Your design is influenced by your ability to let go into each moment and maintain your awareness of this moment as it is passing. When you so this thing you call time becomes irrelevant and this conceptual eternity is brought into your consciousness. I am that eternity. I am like a fast moving train that you can see only by turning on a strobescope to catch the individual moments of my passing. I encompass eternity yet by reflection you realize my presence in the moment. The strobescope of your attention is where every meaning you infer is brought to life." HA said disappearing for a moment to allow me to catch up via reflection and getting myself into the image of its sending forth.
"To state the obvious, you are saying, pay attention to now. Almost as though we're never quite sure when now is. The sense of this I get but I'll need a deeper connection to this flow." I say suddenly realizing that my words have issued forth without thought.
"Now is where your emotions and your attention are one with the events unfolding in your life. Distractions are not secondary but are a part of the unity of now. Someone looking to produce rain on a sunny day hears a bird's call far off. He starts thinking about that bird and has lost the focus on now. In order to keep that focus the birds call and every other outside event must be incorporated into the moment now. This is the sense of unity which your thoughts can bring about. Think of now as the center of a sphere with radii going out in every direction. Connections are there but are never extended into the distractions they pose. These connections say yes to now." HA stops as neither words nor symbols can carry the intent of HA's meaning any further. On another level where mind is pure I hear the continuing HA now raised to OM, or Omnipresent Meaning. So is HA transformed into OM.
"Watch the sun in brief glances and fill your light with the afterglow of vision.
Then expand that afterglow. Rest. Slowly become what you do not know. Forget about reasons for a moment. Join in the flow. Stop but don't be stopped. Pause - reflect - expand again." OM now sends a visual image of rainbows shaped as triangular prisms which are folding one inside the other. It's pretty far out now. Time to cool out a bit and take all of this in.
"What about time? How does time fit this whole awareness thing?" I said leaning back in my chair and relaxing my outer mind so that HA could respond.
"Extend your awareness into the present moment." HA said like the voice of the wind.
What do you mean?" I answered sounding a little perplexed. "Of course I am here. Where else would I be?"
"Perhaps past or future time travelling like the rest of us." HA now was in the out breath as I waited for HA to expound on this idea.
"There is movement and projection in thought depending upon our orientation and the time space coordinates we assume." HA said. I especially like the time space stuff. It sounded like Star Trek, very Sci-Fi which is a favorite genre of mine. Sensing my mind wandering HA said:
"Listen. Be attentive to my breath. Notice the inflow and outflow. This breath runs through all of creation. All partake in it according to their design. Your design is influenced by your ability to let go into each moment and maintain your awareness of this moment as it is passing. When you so this thing you call time becomes irrelevant and this conceptual eternity is brought into your consciousness. I am that eternity. I am like a fast moving train that you can see only by turning on a strobescope to catch the individual moments of my passing. I encompass eternity yet by reflection you realize my presence in the moment. The strobescope of your attention is where every meaning you infer is brought to life." HA said disappearing for a moment to allow me to catch up via reflection and getting myself into the image of its sending forth.
"To state the obvious, you are saying, pay attention to now. Almost as though we're never quite sure when now is. The sense of this I get but I'll need a deeper connection to this flow." I say suddenly realizing that my words have issued forth without thought.
"Now is where your emotions and your attention are one with the events unfolding in your life. Distractions are not secondary but are a part of the unity of now. Someone looking to produce rain on a sunny day hears a bird's call far off. He starts thinking about that bird and has lost the focus on now. In order to keep that focus the birds call and every other outside event must be incorporated into the moment now. This is the sense of unity which your thoughts can bring about. Think of now as the center of a sphere with radii going out in every direction. Connections are there but are never extended into the distractions they pose. These connections say yes to now." HA stops as neither words nor symbols can carry the intent of HA's meaning any further. On another level where mind is pure I hear the continuing HA now raised to OM, or Omnipresent Meaning. So is HA transformed into OM.
"Watch the sun in brief glances and fill your light with the afterglow of vision.
Then expand that afterglow. Rest. Slowly become what you do not know. Forget about reasons for a moment. Join in the flow. Stop but don't be stopped. Pause - reflect - expand again." OM now sends a visual image of rainbows shaped as triangular prisms which are folding one inside the other. It's pretty far out now. Time to cool out a bit and take all of this in.
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